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A member registered Jul 28, 2021

Recent community posts

(2 edits)

How about instead of the compassionate solution, we go with the rational solution? Which would be for the author to actually process the criticism they are receiving regarding their lack of transparency, and to either explain how they plan on improving, or to manage expectations for the future.

Instead of responding emotionally ("All these complaints are hurting my feelings! If you don't like it, you can stop giving me money!"), they could try responding rationally ("Unfortunately I was not able to meet the update schedule I had previously provided. I will not be able to provide any ETAs for the foreseeable future."). 

Anyone that has ever worked with deadlines should understand that it really is that simple sometimes.

What, are people not allowed to criticize media anymore? Should discussion of any sort of fiction be restricted to gushing praise and blind approval? 

Except his explanation didn't address this issue at all. All we want is transparency. I don't give two shits about why the update was delayed, I care that he didn't tell us about the delay. I care about the fact that he doesn't seem to understand that overpromising and underdelivering is unacceptable for any product. His "explanations" really just boil down to "if you don't like it, then you can stop pledging", which is exactly what I've done.

I don't think there's any hope here. My plan is to just ignore the project for 6 or 8 months and come back. At least by then there might be an update.

Yes, we are well aware that the only part of the fanbase Kael cares about are the ones that give them money. If they've decided that they no longer want to provide clear communication to the rest of the fanbase, then that's perfectly understandable. Doesn't mean that we're not allowed to be annoyed by the sudden change of tone. 

I agree, I only self-insert in games where I'm given more agency over my character's personality or choices.

I feel like it would have prevented a lot of the confusion if the delay was announced properly, in the devlog or on twitter or wherever. 

I really need to stop reading WIPs... there's nothing more devastating than hitting that "to be continued" screen.